- Easy-to-make Furniture A Sunset Book Lane Publishing Co. 80 $ 30,00
- Easy-to-make Tables & chairs A Sunset Book Lane Publishing Co. 80 $ 30,00
- Solar heating & cooling/ Active & passive systems-Hot water heatres-Pools,Spas & tubes Sunset homeowner'a guide 96 $ 30,00
- Solar energy: how to make it work for you Mueller,Steven J./ Jones,Peter Butterik publishing 176 $ 30,00
- Carving wooden animals Tangerman,E.J. Sterling publishing Co. 128 $ 30,00
- Wooding carving with X-Acto/ An introduction of one of the oldest crafts,which deals with all phases of the subject in a modern way for the beginner as well as rthe craftsman Wheeler,William Sterling publishing Co. 127 $ 30,00
- How to carve wildfowl/ 9 North American masters reveal the carving and painting techniques that win the International Blue Ribbons Schroeder,Roger Stackpole Books 253 $ 50,00
- How to carve wood/ A book of projects and techniques Butz,Richard The Taunton Press 215 $ 50,00
- The woodwork book/ Thirty furniture projects for the amateur inspired by designs from leading international carftsmen Introduced by John Makepeace Pan Books 192 $ 50,00
- Creating modern furniture/ Trends,techniques,appreciation Meilach,Donna Crown Publishers 310 $ 35,00
- Step by step Knifemaking/ You can do it! Boye,David Rodale Press 270 $ 50,00
- Three hundred years of American painting Eliot,Alexander Time Incorporated,NY 318 $ 60,00
- El padre Román/ Religioso asuncionista-cura párroco-Director de almas Luchía Puig,Agustín A.A. Editorial Difusión 223 $ 30,00